APRIL 2012

We managed to finish pinning all the poles. Hope they stay in now . . . . now have 11 panels but there are still 18 more pockets to make for the opening in May.

Also finished all the willow domes in Fife and Clackmannenshire. 

Forest School Easter Term starts tomorrow when we will be making gazoos and building dens.Also twizzlers round our fire.

I will be forest schooling at the BIG TENT IN FIFE and at the EDEN FESTIVAL as well.

Also  . . . will start community gardening for HUNTER'S HALL from Friday 6th for 36 weeks which should help some of the members get stuff in their plots and get their greenhouse up. 

But now  . . . just have a look at these beautiful felt panels which are all copies of designs produced by the kids themselves

This boy drew a fish, a fossil and a seal!

An original drawing

My copy in felt

Woodland's Nursery

St. Serf's Nursery